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Get a reading with Meagan!
I bring my lived experience, my natural intuitive abilities, and my life-long self-guided study of the occult and spirituality (over 35 years years of study) to bear on every reading I offer.
I cannot guarantee you will get the answers you want. In fact, if I am being perfectly honest, it’s pretty rare that I tell people what they want to hear. But I sincerely believe you will get the information you needed to hear in every reading.
Sometimes we start out talking about a co-worker and end up discussing a childhood trauma. Or we begin with a big topic and wind up going over a daily routine, finding sense in the little patterns of mundane life.
In raw details, my readings are expansive, philosophical, and exploratory. They can be abstract, with meanings revealing themselves over the days or weeks after the reading. While there are occasions that I can pull a date or time or first name out of a reading, I cannot guarantee that type of detailed information will always come up.
At this time, I cannot address medical issues in readings.
For more information about my background and modalities, scroll down.
Our reading will take place over Zoom (www.zoom.us). This is my default way of holding online sessions. You will receive a link for a meeting through Zoom with your confirmation. Zoom is super easy to use but please visit the website ahead of time to make sure your browser is compatible. If you have another preference for the meeting (phone, etc.), please email me to let me know at least 48 hours in advance of your session.
Tarot – Working With Archetypes for Personal Evolution
My approach to Tarot interpretation falls somewhere between Pagan, Jungian, and Hermetic tradition. I see the Tarot as a sample of the infinite archetypes making up the human psyche. An Initiatory experience for the Soul.
Notice I said interpretation? I think of a reading like having a conversation with the cards, except the cards may say things in languages you don’t speak. So, I interpret for you.
When I work with you as a client, I strive to provide you practical advice for the here and now. We will gather insight on patterns and cycles in your life. I bring a synthesis of Intuition, archetypal symbolism, astrology and over 30 years of experience with the Tarot.
Astrology – Seeing Yourself Within The Bigger Picture
A useful astrology session can be akin to climbing up a great ladder and looking down at your life from afar. It allows you the opportunity to see the larger contexts your lifetime is taking place in. Then you can come back down and discover those traces in the cycles in your life, and learn to utilize them to maximum effect.
I currently only offer basic natal chart interpretations to new clients. Once we establish a relationship, we can work on more in depth portions of your chart.
More about my relationship with Tarot…
I have been exploring Tarot for over 35 years.
I received my first deck, The Witch’s Tarot by Fergus Hall, when I was 15, from a Sister Witch. A surreal and obscure deck, I was puzzled by the images. A year later, another friend gave me my 1st copy of the Smith-Waite deck. I began doing what is now known as intuitive readings, going off what I pulled up from my gut, and from my life experiences, and what I felt when I looked at the symbols on the cards. I worked with Tarot of the Cat People, and The Morgan-Greer deck, finding comfort in the familiarity of their psychedelic, art nouveau design.
My intuition was strong, and often pulled out a correct answer when I had no idea what the card meant. After a couple of years of this work, I wanted to know more. I began to read anything I could find, which was, in Las Vegas, NV in the 1980s, not a lot. But it was enough to show me I was missing out on layers of meaning, hidden in the artwork. There was far more information to be pulled from the cards than simply what I could infer from my short years on Earth.
In my 20’s I began to learn about the universal language of magical symbolism. How Tarot connected to other esoteric systems like Kabbalah, Alchemy, and Astrology.
I found authors like Gail Fairfield and Catriona Kirkpatrick. Pushing into working with groundbreaking decks of the 1990s like Motherpeace Tarot, The Voyager Deck, and Haindl Tarot, I expanded my understanding of what the cards could reveal. I read for anyone who would sit still long enough for me to pull a card. And I was constantly testing theories and mystical hypotheses. Over time, with practice, and the accretion of knowledge from all these different systems settling into me, the pathways began to lay themselves out. I began to move through the Tarot, not simply reading the cards from the outside, but understanding them from within.
All of this eventually lead me to
I believe the Tarot to be an incredibly powerful tool for self-exploration, invention, and discovery.
One of the most powerful elements of working with Tarot is the elasticity of the deck. The cards can be used in a million ways, and for a million purposes. Invoke Goddesses and Gods. Brainstorm solutions to problems. Explore your intuitive powers. Write poetry. Open a dialogue with your ancestors. Have a conversation with your unconscious. Tap into your Kundalini energy. This is just a short list of the type of exploratory and healing work Tarot can support and assist. Through simple methods like “card-a-day” pulls, even folks who are just beginning to explore Tarot can have a guided conversation with the Universe.
Further, I feel consistent work with Tarot can help create a mythical interpretation of your personal narrative. What does that mean? It means giving yourself permission to look at your life through the same lens normally reserved for heroes, deities, and cultural icons. By considering ourselves on par with the “great ones,” we can unfold a sense of our own power. And we can see our responsibility–to be co-creators of reality, removing fear and confusion, and restoring agency.
There is an even farther goal, beyond that of self-discovery, that I believe Tarot can guide us towards.
It is
Tarot is Life. It is something infinite, and you get to experience and determine a part of it, if only for a brief time. There is no perfection. It is the story of you.
What story would you like to tell?
Check out my writings on Tarot!
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