Samhain, 2017

Oct. 31st, 2017. 6 pm. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces, Venus and Mars in Libra, Saturn in Sagittarius The waning sunlight signals the descent. Starlight, torches, candles, flashlights, cell phones, phosphorous lights our way as we pick tenuous steps out of the inky black. She Opens. The warm, wet, hot, dry, … Read more

Witchcraft and Weed: A Powerful Kinship

From your bong to your broomstick, the possibilities of using cannabis in your Witchcraft are limitless. Folks have combined weed and Witchcraft in magical and spiritual rites for millennia. Hindu sadhus use marijuana as a prayer to Lord Shiva. Coptic Christians burned it on altars as a holy offering. Witches and warlocks, too, have had … Read more

The Deep and Abiding Relationship Between Weed and Religion

It’s not just the Rastas who honor the herb. Cannabis has played a pivotal role in human evolution on several fronts: It has influenced advances in medicine, exploration, and language, and in the spiritual realm it has acted as an “entheogen” or “God-inducer.” Looking back at least 7,000 years, we find cannabis in the Hindu … Read more