2024 Mabon Season New Micromoon Solar Eclipse in Libra

Hello Heathens. Lets ground into the energy of Autumn, Mabon, and the work presented by the eclipse New Moon. As we call in the energy of the Vine and the Grape, we must consider the Seed and the Harvest. Celestial deities like Vindemiatrix and Porrima point to the labor and the oracular voices singing in … Read more

Beltane Season 2023 Full Blood Flower Moon Lunar Week 6

Are you still reeling from the effects of that Scorpio eclipse? You’re not alone. This week we get into the festivals that honor death in the midst of returning life, as well as the forces that over see the triumph of order over chaos, for better and worse. Tarot: 6 of Pentacles Witch’s Work: None