SUN ENTERS LEO 07.22.2022 1:06 PM PST
As the Sun enters Leo, we settle into the heart of Summer. While the Sun floated through Cancer, we brought our focus back to home and family. We claimed the visions we had in Spring, committing our energy to manifesting them. In Leo, we embrace the responsibility of seeing things through. Tapping the high point of the Solar Arc, long days of light, and heat of the Season can be strengthening. In Leo, we cross over from Litha into Lughnasadh.
Leo is a Fixed Fire sign, helping us stabilize the season’s work. This sign assists us to stay inspired and excited about the projects we nurtured at the start of Summer. Leo gets us to see what is important and requires our leadership at this point in the year.
We “step into our power,” accepting the responsibility and maturation that life requires. The role of Leader, or Cheerleader, or Magnanimous Star may present itself. We inspire our people, igniting their passions, their generosity, and their capacity to take risks.
Centering the Self, or becoming self-centered? When Sun enters Leo we can tread a fine line between the two states.
The Leo Sun can feel like a spot-light and we can find ourselves in center stage. Is it self-confidence or conceit? Maybe a little of both, and for Leo Season, that may be ok, as long as we remember we are all Stars and to allow other folks their time in the limelight as well.
The astrology at end of Litha and beginning of Lughnasadh Season 2022 is asking us to examine, in whatever ways make sense for our particular situation, where we need to let go of preconceived notions around “identity,” “courage,” “ego,” and “pride.”
These are complex topics. Ultimately, when we are leading from a place of integrity and seeking happiness for ALL people, self-expression for ALL people, autonomy for ALL people, we step into the deep dignity of Leo and Litha/Lughnasadh Season.
Working with Tarot like Strength, The Sun, and the Ace of Wands can help us settle into where we require more nobility in our projects, and where we may celebrate and demonstrate our dynamic energies, and just trust in our capacity to impress our Will into our projects and all The Work the Universe can offer us this time around the Wheel.