The Megalesia, Ancient Sparkle Party Dedicated to The Magna Mater, Cybele, and Her Band of Phrygian Phreaks

The Megalesia was a multi-week festival celebrating the Phrygian Goddess, Cybele and her eunuch Son/Lover Attis, a vegetation God that died at Winter and was resurrected at Spring. Romans brought the festival from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). We have some reasonably complete records of the Roman Megalesia. However, time left us few records from the thousands … Read more

Two of Wands – Everyday Living in the Minor Arcana Tarot

This is a multi-part series intended to help folks recognize the Minor Arcana in their day-to-day lives. In this piece we look at the Two of Wands. I’ll generally base my interpretations off Pamela Colman Smith’s illustrations in the Smith-Waite or Rider-Waite deck. Here at the beginning of Spring we get an opportunity to work … Read more

Lupercalia: The Risqué History of this Frisky Festival!

Lupercalia Whips. Wolves. A lottery where girls are given to men. Sex in the streets. The Pagan root of Valentine’s Day. History and misinformation has put A LOT at the feet of this ancient Roman festival. Let’s take a look at what was possibly the truth and what is modern projection on the holiday Lupercalia. … Read more

Imbolc and Groundhogs Day

Is there a connection between the two folk holidays Imbolc and Groundhog’s Day, and if so, what is it? The simple answer is, well, yes. Like so many other holidays, this one also finds its roots in Paganism. The tradition of waiting for Punxsutawney Phil, the infamous groundhog at Gobbler’s Knob near Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to … Read more