Samhain Season Waxing Moon in Pisces Lunar Week 42

Our Witches Work this week asks us to be big-hearted and push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Can we face the painful experiences of our lives with faith? Can we find the medicine in the poison? Can we remember that after the Destruction comes Rebirth? Great Goddess like Mawu, Mary Theotokos, and Ceres are … Read more

Samhain Season New Moon in Sagittarius Lunar Week 41

Enlightenment is half off this week! Heathens rejoice, we have some Incredibly potent allies like Bona Dea, Sophia, Isis, and Hekate here to oversee our continued Descent as we move through the Abyss and Underworld Journey. The astrology of this week is optimistic and potent, with fixed stars Acrab and Dschubba, and Jupiter stationing direct, … Read more

Samhain Season Waning Moon in Leo Lunar Week 40

Hell-o Heathens, this week’s Descent takes us one step closer to the Dark richness at the bottom of the cauldron. Deities like Hecate, Bruma and Ded Moroz are here to help us go down. This is a week that takes and gives. How can you interact with that work with grace and not be defensive … Read more

Samhain: A Six Week Guide to Witch’s New Year, Third Harvest

The dark is here. The shift in the Sun’s path is undeniable as the days shorten and the weather grows darker and colder. The Cross-Quarter holiday Samhain (pronounced “sow-wain”) is possibly the most well-known of the Sabbats. Americans celebrate it as Hallowe’en. Samhain is the true tipping point into The Underworld Journey of Winter. Learn … Read more