The Next Wheel of the Year class is July 25th!
The Wheel of the Year series continues to turn with the great Cross-Quarter Sabbat Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas.
Named for the Irish God Lugh, this holiday marks the 1/2 way point between Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. Lugh is a Storm and Sun God with skills like crafting, fighting, musical artistry, and sorcery, and he wins the gift of agriculture for the Tuatha Dé Danann in battle.
The holiday is also known as Lammas, which means loaf. Lammas Season comes to us at the hottest part of the year. It marked the beginning of the harvest season for ancient peoples in the Northern Hemisphere.
But we can see this miracle of abundance in our modern world right now. Here in the Americas, the grain harvest has begun in the South and will continue up the continent until it arrives in Canada in mid-August. Green Corn Ceremony will be held by Indigenous tribes all over the country. For modern Witches and Pagans, this is a time to step into our power and begin harvesting and sharing the gold in our lives (hint: it starts with knowing how to identify it!)
In this Six Week Guide, we’ll look at the origins of this ancient fiery Sabbat celebrating the bounty of the Earth.
But the work isn’t done after one night! We’ll take a look at what we can expect for the coming 6-7 weeks of Lammas season, learn how you can observe this time of abundance for yourself or with your community, and get ready to Do The Work.
- Seating is limited to 25 students.
- Classes take place at Mortlake & Co. Bookstore and Art Gallery
- 121 Prefontaine Place in Pioneer Square
- Thursday, July 25, 7pm-