The Litha workshop is live!!
In this six week guide, we will explore Litha the Witch’s Sabbat celebrating the Summer Solstice.
Litha celebrates the high point of the Sun’s journey. For folks in the Northern Hemisphere, we see this in long days filled with heat and light, and short nights, filled with stars. And importantly for Witches and Pagans, the death of the Oak King, and the rise to power of the Holly King.
But the work doesn’t stop after one night. In this six week guide, we will look at the major Witch’s Work for the season: Power, Transformation, Healing and Fertility and what that means for Pagans and their communities using rituals, spellcrafting, meditations and journaling. We will work through the energy of the Gemini and Cancer seasons, the archetypes of the Divine Twins and the Universal Womb by studying the astronomy and the astrology of the times. And we will welcome the Sun into our lives by embracing our ability to radiate our personal power.
Reference materials include:
- a two hour lecture
- 16 page pdf booklet
- 7 week calendar covering almost 200 ancient and modern holy days, cultural celebrations, and astronomical events like eclipses, meteor showers, and key points in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
- lunar guide
- tropical and sidereal astrology guide for the season
- tarot symbolism for meditation
- prayers
- incense recipes
- suggestions for building a personal altar
- magical correspondences for the season such as crystals, herbs, foods, essential oils, animal world helpers, and symbols that you can incorporate into your ceremonies or personal life
- meditations and journaling work to help you process the magical labor of the season.