The Goddess of The Betrayed: Samhain Season

I’m watching the sun go down today, and I’m thinking about the paradigm shifts born out of abuse. The Goddess of the Betrayed has many children. When the Sun is at 15º Scorpio, approximately November 7th, is Solar Samhain. This is the halfway point between Mabon and Yule. In previous times, this date was the … Read more

Thesmophoria, The “Bitching Festival” for Demeter Thesmophoros and Baubo

In late October, bridging the time between Mabon and Samhain, we come upon a beautiful multi-day holiday from the Greeks called Thesmophoria. Greek femmes held this rite after all the pomp and ritual of the Eleusinian Mysteries. They dedicated this festival to Demeter Thesmophoros, a variant of Demeter who was the Law-Giver. Observed after the … Read more

Harvesting Lughnasadh Symbols In The Tarot

Working with Strength and The Sun cards to grasp the energy of this Witch Holy Day. August 2nd marks the Pagan holiday and season of Lughnasadh, also named Lammas. During this season we will work with issues around Power, Leadership, Winning vs. Losing, Natural Talents vs. Learned Skills, and Adepthood. We are watching the Sun … Read more

Wheel of the Year: The Thrust of Litha

Celebrating Litha and Summer as a Witch in The Pacific Northwest In Summer, folks in the PNW kinda loose their shit. Between our rainforest and our glaciers, finding a moment to revel in the “baking heat” of Summer can seem almost impossible in the Pacific Northwest. However, it was living up here that taught me … Read more

Temperance: Working In the Void of Yule

As we move through the last portion of the Autumn season, a powerful image to work with is the Temperance Card from Tarot. Many decks depict a person who could be described as “angelic” mixing some things together. At the core of the artwork on most cards, you see a fusion or blending or bringing … Read more