Imbolc, Disting, Thorrablot: the Pagan End to Winter

Imbolc (pronounced im-bowlk) is a Gaelic word meaning “in the belly,” and for many modern Pagans, Feb. 1 is one of four Greater Sabbats, or grand holy days, marking the seasons. Imbolc (also spelled Imbolg or Immolc) acknowledges the first stirrings of spring, the profound shift away from winter and the return of light and … Read more

Samhain: A Six Week Guide to Witch’s New Year, Third Harvest

The dark is here. The shift in the Sun’s path is undeniable as the days shorten and the weather grows darker and colder. The Cross-Quarter holiday Samhain (pronounced “sow-wain”) is possibly the most well-known of the Sabbats. Americans celebrate it as Hallowe’en. Samhain is the true tipping point into The Underworld Journey of Winter. Learn … Read more

Fall Equinox Class: A Six Week Guide to Witch’s Thanksgiving

Heathens! The Wheel Turns… WITCH’S THANKSGIVINGSECOND HARVEST The Wheel of the Year continues to turn for Pagans with the Quarter Sabbat Fall Equinox also known as Mabon. The high point of the Sun’s arc over The Wheel is done and with that completion, we see the fullness of The Harvest come to fruition at this … Read more

Spinning the Wheel: Lughnasadh Season Waxing Moon in Scorpio Lunar Week 26

This week our Lughnasadh season Waxing Moon in Scorpio asks us to consider the Shadow Work that comes up when we embrace Power. Can we handle being so close to The Sun? How do we handle the strain when our edges get a bit crispy? We can work with plant helper Hazelnut Tree, Tarot helper … Read more