The Divine Twins: Me and Myself, The Original Holy Couple

The concept of The Divine Twins is found around the world. It is a powerful concept that, like its astrological equivalent, Gemini, takes on many forms. The Twins are depicted as two men, two women, a man and woman, and two figures that are interchangeable, with interchangeable genders, roles, and powers. I cannot say with … Read more

Sommarsblót, The Scandinavians Open the Solar Half of the Year

Sommarsblót (“Summer’s Blood,”) found at the very end of Ostara season, is a week-long festival happening sometime during Aries Season, ending on the day the Sun enters Taurus. Many sources mark this festival running from April 14-20th, but some sources say it is a moving feast and can happen any time during the first month … Read more

Next Wheel of the Year Class – Beltane – May Day – April 25, 7pm

The 2019 cycle of the Wheel of the Year continues with Beltane, also known as May Day or Walpurgisnacht in some traditions. This Cross-Quarter Day is a popular Fire Festival ushering in the deep heart of Spring, and for some places, Summer. Falling on April 30th/May 1st each year, the date of Beltane marks the … Read more

New Patreon Post – The Megalesia, Ancient Sparkle Party Dedicated to The Magna Mater, Cybele, and Her Band of Phrygian Phreaks

The Megalesia (in conjunction with another Spring Equinox festival called Hilaria) was the name the Romans gave to a week-long festival celebrating the Phrygian Goddess, Cybele and her eunuch Son/Lover Attis, a vegetation God that died at Winter and was resurrected at Spring. The rite was brought to Rome from Anatolia (modern-day Turkey). There are … Read more

The Emperor of Spring

… The Emperor represents an archetypal Leader figure, but more specifically, a Pioneer. Not merely content to head off on already established pathways, The Emperor wants to blaze new trails to the top of never-before-seen mountain peaks. Vanguard, pathfinder, explorer are all great words for the Emperor. Many Emperor cards depict a figure sitting on … Read more