Mabon — The Witch’s Thanksgiving
Mabon ushers in the culmination of the Harvest, and a reminder that The Wheel is always turning. What is Mabon? For Pagans in the Northern Hemisphere, this holiday and season mark the autumnal or fall equinox. It is the point when the sun crosses the celestial equator. We experience equal night and day, and from … Read more
Tarot In A Minute – The Hermit!
What Does The Hermit Card Mean? Here is a one minute lesson on The Hermit Card in Tarot.
Balance, Fairness, and Equity at Mabon, the Fall Equinox
In this piece, we take a look at the spiritual work Pagans and Witches do at the Fall Equinox and Mabon season through the symbolism of Astrology, Tarot, and 5000 years of Goddess worship. The Fall Equinox is the Fulcrum or balancing point between the Light half and the Dark half of the year. Once … Read more